College of Further Education achieves ‘Good’ ratings in all eight categories of external

15 December 2023
The College of Further Education, part of The Guernsey Institute, is celebrating the
significant achievement of being rated as ‘good’ in all eight categories of its external
The college has been rated as good in Quality of Education, Behaviour and attitudes,
Personal development, Leadership and management, Education programmes for young
people, Adult learning programmes, Apprenticeships, and Provision for learners with high
Ofsted’s report highlights that:
• Leaders have developed very effective partnerships with a wide range of relevant
stakeholders. This ensures they develop curriculums that meet industry needs.
• Curriculums are well planned, enabling students and apprentices to develop the new
knowledge and skills that they need to be successful at their next stage of learning or
• Adult learners are supported to achieve their career and personal goals.
• Leaders and managers have sufficient and consistent oversight of the quality of
education and training in all provision types.
• Apprentices enjoy attending their classes at college. They value the support they
receive from their lecturers, which helps them to develop new and complex skills.
Apprentices take pride in the work they produce, much of which is of a high
• The college has created an inclusive atmosphere where students and apprentices
• Lecturers play a pivotal role in fostering diversity, promoting positive discussions and
instilling a sense of community with the college.
• Students and apprentices feel safe at college. They build effective working
relationships with lecturers, who are positive role models.
Inspectors also noted that students and apprentices at Coutanchez and Delancey campuses
study in ageing and poor-quality accommodation. Ofsted said that some students’ teaching
and learning experiences are restricted because of the closure of essential teaching rooms.
However, students studying performing arts at the Les Ozouets campus benefit from
studying in high quality dance studios and a theatre.
The report highlighted that lecturers employ effective teaching methods, using real-world
scenarios to encourage discussion and debate, resulting in students acquiring more
sophisticated skills over time. The personal development judgement area identified that this
enhances students' confidence, resilience, and awareness of future opportunities.
The external inspection agreement with Ofsted grades categories from inadequate to
requires improvement, good and excellent.
Dr Louise Misselke, College of Further Education Principal, said:
‘We are delighted with the overwhelmingly positive feedback from the Ofsted
inspection. This reflects the unwavering commitment of our staff team to our
students whatever their age. The report also serves as an ongoing statement of our
commitment to the local community in ensuring we both meet the needs of
individual students and the needs of our local employers and community. I am so
proud of every single member of the college staff for the work they do every day in
support of our students despite, at times, the very challenging physical environment
of our buildings. I am sure that our community will also be very proud they have a
‘good’ college on their doorstep.’
Nick Hynes, Director of Education, said:
‘This is an external inspection report that Louise, her team and the whole College of
FE community can be rightly proud of. The further education inspection framework
judges eight categories and to achieve a good rating across the board is a fantastic
achievement. The island should be proud to have a further education college that so
successfully meets the needs of an incredibly broad range of stakeholders, from
younger students, apprentices, adult learners and the many industries who rely on
the college to develop the skilled workforce their business needs.’
Deputy Andrea Dudley-Owen, President of the Committee for Education, Sport & Culture,
‘As is widely known amongst the community, the College of FE operates from sites
that are simply not fit for purpose. While this is noted in the inspection report, with
inspectors finding that some students’ teaching and learning experiences are
restricted because of the poor quality of facilities, this only further demonstrates how
impressive the college’s inspection gradings are. We must collectively ensure The
Guernsey Institute receives the support it deserves, so that it can take what is already
a fantastic offering and further develop for the benefit of the whole community.’
Jacki Hughes, Executive Principal of The Guernsey Institute, said:
‘On behalf of The Guernsey Institute we are all proud that such a substantial part of
TGI is being recognised externally as contributing so positively to the skills needs of
Guernsey. Louise and her whole team do a brilliant job for their students and industry.’